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几乎15的美国儿童和青少年体重超标 more physical education_ but also more injuries in class mp4
同伴种植的好处 the benefits of companion planting.mp4
辣木植物的多种用途 the many uses for the moringa oleifera plant.mp4
怎样对植物进行修剪 scientists help cut the mystery behind pruning.mp4
企业像个人 how a corporation is like a person .mp4
亚马逊河流域远古耕作方法对如今的启示 from ancient rs_ lessons for today's amazon.mp4
earl cooley成为第一批空降消防员 earl cooley_ remembering an early smokejumper.mp4
建设防风林保护农作物 building a windbreak to protect crops.mp4 25M 2017-07-15 00:00:00
通用首次公开募股考验投资者信心 gm to test investors' hunger for risk with stock offering .mp4
种植咖啡 growing coffee_ seeking peace in eastern drc.mp4
美联储首开新闻发布会 承诺政策沟通更清晰及时 bernanke meets the press in a first for us central bank .mp4
世界经济论坛东亚会议强调东南亚经济活力 meeting highlights economic 'dynamism' of southeast asia .mp4
加州的财政预算 california gets a budget .mp4
退休储蓄规则2规划长远目标和需求 nt savings rule 2_ plan for your future goals and needs .mp4
美国各大网站关站抗议sopa法案 websites cut service to protest us antipiracy bills .mp4